Frequently Asked Questions

Products will leave our warehouse within [24] hours of you placing your order. Delivery time varies depending on order size, product availability, and shipping option(s) selected.

You do not need to create an account to purchase. You can use the guest-checkout option. However, we do suggest you to create an account. Creating an account makes it much easier to track orders, save shipping addresses, and many more added benefits. You can create an account on My Account Page to enjoy the added benefits of our catalog.

We have no refund and no return policy.

Our online catalog uses SSL encryption to ensure a safe and secure checkout process. All of your personal and financial information will be safe when ordering from us.

All orders will result in a confirmation email being sent to the address on file. If you did not receive a confirmation email, please check your spam and bulk mail folders. Also, please ensure the email address we have on file is correct and accurate. If you are still having trouble you can always CONTACT US for assistance.

First, we apologize for any inconvenience. We operate a very large-scale shipping operation that relies on humans for our packing process. We may make mistakes and we understand it can be frustrating. If there was an error with your order please contact us immediately and we will rectify the situation as quickly as possible.

Our team of customer service agents is ready and waiting to assist you with any questions you may have. Please contact us today for help.